Thursday, July 17, 2008

After Effects Tutorials

In the very near future I will be making After Effects Tutorial Podcasts.  If anyone would like to email me on what they would like to learn about After Effects that would be very helpful.  I was going to mainly focus on Character Animation Workflow in After Effects.  I am going to do a Coming from Flash to After Effects tutorial as well.  I know a lot of Flash animators that don't know AE.  It isn't that different of a beast.  Emails please!

The Future and the Creative

This new one is a continuation of the first one that we did for the 72hr film shoot.  We finalized the idea.  We also have a friend who will lend us an HD camera.  I am excited about that.  I would like this one to look a bit more polished.  Check out the first one at 72hr Film Shoot and look for "Talking to Strangers".  I have a ring idea.  I am building it in Maya and then hopefully I will be able to have someone make a prototype out of it.  I know the prototyping stages are a bit expensive.  If any of you know someone who does that and can hook me up that will be great.  I think it will be made out of plastic instead of silver or gold.  But a gold one would be nice to have.  I am also kicking around an idea for a pitch.  I need to flesh that out a bit more and build a pitch book.  I would really love to have my friend Etsu do the character design but I am not up to that point yet.  

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kasey and her Dad on Father's Day planting a garden in Woodside

Here is Kasey and her Dad planting the garden.  I loved just watching them interact.  It was great to see them bonding and planting and me being a pain in the ass (just for fun).  I was also the "tool go getter guy".